這種SATA排線能符合SATA3 6Gbs的規格要求嗎? (第1頁) - 硬碟 - Mobile01 drkh wrote: 覺得技嘉主機板所附的...(恕刪) 80 30V VW-1 Serial ATA 30AWG Lian Feng 以上訊息是指耐溫,耐壓, 防火等級, 導體粗細, 廠商名 ...
[問題] SATA2,SATA3的SSD速度上的差距- 看板Storage_Zone - 批踢 ... 想了解一下SATA3和SATA2的SSD在實際使用上,感覺的差異是多少? SSD比一般硬 碟強很多,最有感的 ...
[我為國家浪費紙] SATA2和SATA3介面SSD速度實測 - 艾澤拉斯國家地理論壇 - [2328][f334] » [url=http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=4850524] [我為國家浪費紙] SATA2和SATA3介面SSD速度實測 [/url] 老是有人糾結H61和H67主板,其實對大多數人來說就差一個sata2和sata3,(這裡不討論轉接,因為沒意義) 今晚蛋疼,順手測試了一下,配置見簽名,AHCI均 ...
SSD固態硬碟 - intel 520 120g 只能跑 SATA2 為什麼 - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01 主機板:微星 870A-G54驅動程式也到AMD更新14.4版數據不是很好看,有時候還會卡住,麻煩... ... kkgo2 wrote: 如果確定插對SATA3接口,那就是排 跟排線是不是sata3無絕對關係 你的ssd現在是被限速在sata1模式下
OCZ Agility 3 SATA III 2.5" SSD (EOL) - OCZ Storage Solutions - A Toshiba Group Company Engineered for Cost-Effective Performance OCZ Agility 3 SATA III Solid State Drives are designed and built to provide an exceptional balance of performance and value. The Agility 3 Series implements the cutting-edge SATA 6Gbps interface to deliver excelle
Ssd sata3 in a sata 1 laptop - Laptops - Laptop General Discussion Sorry if this is a naive post, been going around in circles for a while. I have a 3 year old laptop, the advent 6555 which does have sata 1 support. I was thinking of popping in an ssd ...
Should I install SSD SATA3 on SATA2 motherboard? - Windows 7 Help Forums I have been given a voucher ($200) for my local computer store as a birthday present and I want to know if it is worthwhile installing a SATA3 SSD on my Gigabyte PA 55 UD4 motherboard that only supports SATA2? I won't be upgrading my motherboard for ...